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Article: The Best Baked Kale Chips Recipe (+Rich in Vitamin B12)

Cutting Carbs: Smart Snacking (+The Easiest Kale Chips Recipe) - minutia
Meal Prep

The Best Baked Kale Chips Recipe (+Rich in Vitamin B12)


In the landscape of healthy snacking, kale chips emerge as a beacon for the health-conscious and flavor-seekers alike. These crispy delights are not just a tastier alternative to your average snack; they're a vegan powerhouse packed with nutrients and devoid of the guilt often associated with indulgence. Let's dive into why kale chips are the snack you didn't know you needed.

The Green Goodness

Kale, the main ingredient in kale chips, is a nutrient-dense leafy green that's high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as antioxidants and fiber. When baked into chips, kale retains its nutritional profile, offering a snack that's as good for you as it is delicious. For those on a vegan diet or anyone looking to incorporate more plant-based options into their meals, kale chips provide a fantastic way to get a portion of greens in a delightfully crunchy form.

DIY Snacking is the Best Snacking

Another advantage of kale chips is the ease of making them at home. This not only allows for full control over the ingredients used, making it easy to avoid seed oils and non-vegan additives, but also lets you experiment with flavors to suit your palate. Homemade kale chips can be tailored to be as simple or as gourmet as you like, from a sprinkle of sea salt to a coat of sriracha or maple syrup.

kale chips recipe

Conscious Consumption

In a world where snacking can often lead to unhealthy choices, kale chips stand out as a mindful alternative. They are inherently low in calories and free from the processed ingredients that many store-bought snacks contain. Opting for kale chips means choosing a snack that supports your health and dietary preferences without sacrificing taste. Plus, by making them at home, you reduce packaging waste, aligning with a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

So, the next time you're looking for something to munch on, consider making a batch of baked kale chips. They're the perfect blend of nutrition, versatility, and, most importantly, flavor that will keep you coming back for more. Plus, we have the best base recipe out there for you!

Tips for Success

For perfect kale chips, ensure leaves are bone dry after washing to prevent sogginess. Be mindful of the oil; too much prevents crisping. Spread leaves on a baking sheet in a single layer for even cooking. Avoid browning to prevent bitterness. Cool completely before storing in an airtight container to maintain crispness. Store up to 2-3 days.

Getting those kale chips just right can be a bit of a trial and error at first. You know how every oven has its own personality, right? Well, that, plus how juicy your kale is, means you might need a few tries to nail the perfect timing. Once you've got the hang of it, start playing around with flavors. Think garlic salt, a little cumin and salt combo, or – trust me on this – nutritional yeast is a game-changer!

The Best Baked Kale Chips Recipe

4.8 from 64 votes
Yields 6 servings
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook time 20 minutes

Picture yourself indulging in crispy, satisfying snacks while you immerse yourself in that beloved TV series, all without any subsequent guilt. This is precisely the charm that these homemade baked kale chips bring to the table.

Baked Kale Chips Ingredients:

Baked Kale Chips Instructions:


  • DF Dairy-Free
  • GF Gluten-Free
  • NS Naturally Sweetened
  • NF Nut Free
  • V Vegetarian
  • VG Vegan

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